Hey all!
I hope your Thanksgiving was joyful! My table was bursting with both food and people. I had a crowd of 13 at my house and it was tight on space, but big on fun!
No matter which calendar you follow, December is a time of reflection. I always feel like this is a great time of year to take a look at last year's goals. I take a moment to see which ones I have achieved, which ones are in process and which ones just don't fit anymore.
Cluck's Kitchen has been on my mind a lot over the past few months. Seeds of doubt had begun to creep in. The inner critic said things like: "Why would anyone follow your blog?", "All the information you have to share can be found elsewhere!" You know, encouraging stuff..
Anyway, I have been working hard, telling my inner critic to SHUT UP!
So, if you will bear with me, I would like to revamp this blog and get the ideas out of my head and onto your screen. If you like what you see, please tell me. If you have a questions, please ask. I am by no means an expert, but we can learn together!
With LOVE, from my kitchen to yours,